SHE devoted 30 years to helping Iraq — opposing sanctions, campaigning against the war and working for the survival of the country’s neediest when all other foreign aid workers had fled. But neither her dedication to her adopted country, nor even her conversion to Islam and marriage to an Iraqi, could save Margaret Hassan from the killer’s bullet...
Yes. Mrs Margaret Hassan, the British-Iraqi who was kidnapped some time back...... was killed last week......... a gunman blindfolded her, led her into a room and murdered her with a single shot. His accomplice filmed the killing in the hope that the act would be relayed around the world as another blow in the fight against the infidel.
Al-Jazeera, the Arabic news channel that was given the video and has aired the beheadings of several Western hostages, refused to broadcast what must rank as a new low even by the barbaric standards of Iraq’s insurgency: a woman executed during the holy festival of Ramadan.
Now i just hope that the cowardice that was shown by her masked killers would be punished..... and Al Zarqawi , Osama Bin Laden and all the other bastards, would be found and treated in the same way they treat the innocent victims........
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