Thursday, May 12, 2005

Finally.......... i gave her the gift..... the gift that i have been wanting to give to her since last yr....... in fact there has been a few occasions when i wanted to give it to her personally.. from her birthday to valentine's day to the last time that i met her...

but i dint........ until today.........

and i finally let her know how i felt towards her.......

How i knew her

I first knew her during my poly days, when we were both in the same marketing course @ NYP. During that 1yr, we hardly talk, and were nv close, although i do know that she was a realli nice and friendly gal. 1 year later i left poly ........... and we lost contact..

Until 5 years later.........

I saw her again... and since then, we started chatting, from ICQ to MSN to talking on the phone. We talked about alot of stuff and almost everything under the sun, and it was when my feelings towards her started to grow..........

She was like the perfect gal...

I still remember :

1. Every single topic that we talked about, and the things she did for her ex

2. The time she called me when her house had a blackout

3. The time she sms me to tell me about a shoe she realli liked @ Taka

4. The 1st time she called me just to chat..... and the other phone conversations that followed..

5. And i remember all the dates that i went out with her.. ( i still keep every single movie ticket that i watched with her..)

All this may seem very insignificant to other people.. but to me, it meant alot.....

Once, we arranged to watch a movie @ Fort Canning.. and it was when i decided i must let her know how i felt....... but suddenly, thoughts of rejection and other restrictions started running in my head.. and in the end.. i dint..

and it was another 6 months before we met again..

To be honest, i thought by then, the feelings had died down.. until i saw her MSN nick the other day... and i realised.. i acualli still liked her..

Like wat one friend said before: " If there are some things that u want to do or say, just go ahead... dun care about the consequences... dun look back and regret later for not doing so..."

So in the end i gave the gift, and i said what i always wanted to say to her ...

But i dint ask for a chance ..... cos i remember her saying that she is happy being single.......... and as long as she is happy right now, i will be glad...

Cos its her happiness that matters..... nothing else.......


Blogger rinaz said...

I still think that you should let her know. She might say she is happy about being single, but who knows, all she needs maybe is a little motivation from you. Maybe she likes you too, but is just too shy to say. And if you just do what you're doing right now, the both of you will never know ...

My 2 cents

9:37 PM  
Blogger Derek said...

Thanks marina for the comment.. well i did let her know how i felt.. but i dint expect anything more, cos i believe that at least at this very moment, she is still very happily enjoying her singlehood....

1:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Brother, I think telling her is the right move. Do wat u think u should do so that u will now regret in the future

1:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fro, Eng Hup

1:04 AM  

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