Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Today i am tired, happy and yet worried... tired becoz of all the work and lack of sleep.... happy cos one of my friends has found her love.... yet i am worried if the guy is the right man for her..... it is true that men will never fully understand women.. but again, women will also never fully understand men..... reason is simple.. cos we are created differently.. like the opposite sides of a magnet.....
i care for her as a friend... and i can only advise her and do wat i can as a friend.. in the end, the decision is hers.. all i hope.. is that the guy realli likes her.. that she can fend for herself and think logically and rationally.. and not leave any scars in her heart.....

nonetheless... i wish her all the best.. and may she remain cheerful, happy as always.. and i am sure that starting from this moment, she will be more mature and strong...

I never believe in love at first sight.. maybe physical attraction at first... but in the end.. true love is only cultivated through time and memories spent together .. nothing else..


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