Join the adventures of Cuke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Cannoli, Ham Solo,
Chewbroccoli and the rest of the Organic Rebels fighting against Darth
Tader and the Dark Side of the Farm.
Trust me, it is REALLY GOOD AND FUNNY!!! and most importantly, it perfectly and accurately captured the full essence of the original 1977 movie .. (courtesy of Say Tian)
Anyway, the gang and i have watched Star Wars Episode III : Revenge of the Sith... and to be honest...
I was quite disappointed...
Well, ok, the graphics was fantastic, and the storyline went quite smoothly and logically... but somehow, this show dint have any real climax or the excitement to keep me watching... it was quite........... monotomous (did i spell correctly ?)
There was no real climax, the fighting scenes were normal at best, and there was nothing to shout about really....
It was just ....... another normal movie with good special effects....
Anyway, here are some of my fav and unforgettable movies :
1. Braveheart (FREEDOM!!!!!!!)
2. Forrest Gump (ahhh... life is like a box of chocolates...)
3. Saving Private Ryan (best of all the war movies i watched so far..)
4. The Ring ( The 1st horror movie that made me hallucinate.. :P)
5. Titanic ( who can forget the phrase : "U jump, I jump " )
6. Gladiator
7. The Godfather
8. The Lord of the Rings trilogy ( okok, i admit its kinda draggy.. but den.. its still good u know!)
9. Indiana Jones trilogy (great movies that i grew up watching..)
10. Silence of the Lambs
11. Jaws I ( the "godfather" of all the later shark movies..)
12. Cinema Paradiso
13. Stand By Me (one of Stephen King's best ever..)
14. Schindler's List
and many many more.....
Editor's Note : To me, a realli good movie would have unforgettable scenes, and it would touch a person emotionally...

CK gave me the link for the storewars. It was umm ... interesting to say the least. Till the ending part where the vegs were talking about organic food and how we have the force. A little surreal the entire thing.
Anyways, I dont really plan to watch Star Wars 3. I'm not really a fan of the star wars, just a casual watcher. This show could be a tad bit overhyped ...
Anyways I like some of the movies that impacted you like the ring (scared the toot out of me too)
I loved pleasantville, how from a perfect black and white world turns chaotic yet opens up to a new world in colour.
Life is beautiful is one of the rare movies that made me cry at the end.
Eternal sunshine and the spotless mind is an interesting show with Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet, its not a humorous one that you'd think out of Carrey but it makes you think. If you fall out of love with someone, would you want to forget them completely?
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