Isn't it ironic, that a cartoon can actually result in widespread rioting, protests and threats of death ?
It seems that barely had we enjoyed some World peace, when shouts of "killing", " jihad" and "beheading" started echoing everywhere in some Muslim countries...
So how did all the unrest started (again)?
Well, to cut the story short, it all started when 12 Danish cartoonists published some cartoons of the prophet Muhammad in September in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten. They were drawn the way they see the Prophet. This has led to unrest around the world, particularly in Islamic countries, as the cartoons are deemed to be culturally insensitive, insulting, and blasphemous.
Wikipedia - Muhammad Cartoons
Protests against Denmark have increased in intensity in recent days after other newspapers -- mainly in Europe -- reprinted the caricatures.
Now an Indian Minister has added fuel to the controversy, by offering cash rewards for the beheading of the cartoonists.
Personally, i have seen the cartoons myself, and what can i say.... as a free-thinker myself and no obligations whatsoever, i really do feel that these cartoons are harmless... simply becos:
1. I do believe these cartoons are drawn for the comic effect, rather than aim to insult and demean another religion.
2. There is no propaganda behind it, as the cartoonists were simply asked to draw the prophet as they see him.
3. It was purely an exercise of freedom of speech, with no intent to discriminate or degrade.
Note: A certain Mr Bush has so many cartoons dedicated to himself, which were drawn by his own citizens. Yet in general people view them in amusement, rather than believe in them. I mean, is Mr Bush deemed as stupid just because there was an infamous photograph of him looking through a binoculars with the cover still on ? ( i know some people want to believe that he is, but er.. think rationally ok ?)
Nonetheless, the extremists don't see the funny side of things, and deem it necessary to burn the embassies concerned, and also boycott their products. Now the unrest has escalated to death threats being issued. But is this really the best alternative to a solution ?
I agree with what another blogger said, as he mentioned,
"The inflamed reaction of the Arab world to a Danish cartoon depicting the prophet Muhammed was itself like a cartoon. This cartoon is usually labeled "the Arab street" and consists of crazed young males acting like hooligans while behind the scenes cynical regimes stand idle and gain publicity value from the violence. To many Americans, this cartoon is the real face of Islam, just as to many Muslims photographs from Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib are the real America.
It would be sad if cartoons turn out to decide the course of history. "
To all Muslims out there, to be honest it's easy for non-muslims to have the wrong idea of Islam, as the 911 incident, the Bali bombings, many terrorist attacks and beheadings in Iraq were committed by extremists who were Muslims.... thus people tend to believe that in general, Muslim people are violent and unreasonable.. Of course, it doesn't help when there are mis-interpretations of the Quran as well.. Thus if you think from this angle, you really can't blame the cartoonists, as this IS the way they see the Prophet and Islam as a whole.
Now if you react to this situation in a negative way, do you think it will improve the impression that those people have of your religion ? Do you think it makes things for the the better ? Nope, cos @ most the whole thing will just subside.. but after a while erupt again, just like a cycle...
Yes, from some angles, the cartoons are deemed inappropriate and insensitive but they really aren't meant to offend another religion whatsoever. Nonetheless, it's obvious that everyone has the right to voice out their opinions or even protest.. but please.. make it a peaceful one at least........ i mean,
Even if it's wrong to ever draw those cartoons, it's definitely NEVER right to issue death threats or use violence as a solution.
I honestly believe that Islam is a peaceful and great religion.. But unfortunately there are some mis-givings about this religion that gives rise to opportunities for terrorists like Al-Qaeda to take advantage of, resulting in even more mis-givings.
But i believe that with the right communication channels, with ingredients like understanding and the love for peace put together, we can ultimately achieve a common understanding and respect for one another. Obviously it won't be easy, but as long as each and everyone of us just give it a try, it can.. and will be done.........
Win people over by your Virtues, not by Force
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