Sunday, May 29, 2005

Yesterday the gang and i went to Wild Wild Wet for the 1st time... initially we decided on going to Sentosa to play beach soccer, volleyball, frisbee and of cos... hawking @ Bikini babes.. but then, the weather forecasts heavy rain on Sentosa, thus the last-min decision to go WWW instead... and on my, it sure was fantastic!!!!!!!

Throughout the whole day, we ran, played and fooled around like 15yr old kids....... and wat can i say.... for a mere $12.90, u enjoy unlimited rides, running around like kids and abit of water wrestling for the entire day! But then, come to think of it, WWW was definitely smaller than i though.......... other than that, it was really good fun...............

hmmm... of yeah, and not forgetting one funny incident where ST tried asking an Uncle for permission to know one of the girls (he was asking on behalf of KS) ... until he realised that the uncle was actualli the girl's DAD! and that she is only 14yr olds!!! HAHAHAH.... omg, guess girls nowadays are getting mature than we thought.....

Thursday, May 26, 2005

26 May 2005..... Undoubtedly one of the darkest and most humiliating days of my life, and to be honest, i never felt more worse or pissed off today.............

Today i was supposed to go work @ 10.30am... but i was late 5min, and before gg to the office, i rushed to Mac just to buy breakfast... saw a colleague who was buying breakfast for the rest.. so i waited for him and went to the office together with him....

When we reached the office, all the other colleagues and the Asst Mgr were sitting there as usual for the daily briefing.. but the next thing i knew, the Asst Mgr was angry that i bought breakfast when i was already late.. and suddenly..

He said i could go....... simple as that....... U CAN GO, JUST GO

I was stunned and for a while my mind was blank, cos no matter what, i came in with the other colleague, so why reprimand me only ? (maybe cos the other guy worked for more than a 1yr, and his last day was next week.. whereas i was there only for a month ?)

Anyway, that's not the main issue... the thing is, surely not infront of all the other colleagues rite ? Yes, i was late, and i shldnt buy breakfast since i was late... but what the fuck, surely that bastard would have a higher EQ to settle things amicably rite ??

BTW, this was the same man whom i REPEATEDLY asked abt when my pay would come (FYI, till now, i have not gotten a single cent from this place..).. and he would either say:

1. He would check and get back to me (which he NEVER did) or
2. Say that my pay would be in by the end of the week (which NEVER did)

If to him, someone who makes a mistake after ONE reminder would be eligible for the sack, then shouldnt he give up his seat too ??

Note : If i make a mistake, i would admit it openly and apologise, which in this case IS my fault.. but what realli pisses me off is i was asked to leave by someone who contradicts himself and also the manner that i was asked to leave...... and to think that later my supervisor would actually call me and ask me to go back tomorrow........

Sometimes, i realli believe that a man should have some temper.. and i realli regret not arguing with him on the spot, but just endure, endure, endure.......... Throughout these years, i have learnt or at least tried to think from the other party's perspective........ but sadly, it seems that alot of other people are thinking for themselves instead....... at least he dint...

Damn, i have gone through so much so much shit and problems, and it was also during one of the worst times of my life, did i decide to write a blog........ but does anyone know ?
Does anyone know that all this stress is piling on me, that sometimes i realli find it hard to breathe ? That all this stress is making it difficult for me to even lead just a simple life and to love and be loved ? Nope.. no one knows.. not even her... except maybe just a few closer friends.....

Was reading Ms Cheryann aka Ms Orbit's blog.. when i read about one of her dream phones.. the new SE K750... and OH MY HOLY GOD... its a must-have!! it has ABSOULTELY ALL the functions that u would ever need... and it is tested to be one of the BESTEST camera phones so far!! and just see how cool it is from the back... damn, i must save up for this phone.....

I have been looking around for the successor to my Phone of The Year, N6230... and looks like i found the right one.... :P

P.S : never in my wildest dreams, did the backside of a phone look so good....... and with such inner beauty........ Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

The Keys to My Heart

You are attracted to obedience and warmth.

In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.

You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.

Your ideal relationship is traditional. Without saying anything, both of you communicate with
your hearts.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.

In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily.

Hmm... quite true man... haha, den in other words, i am a bloody GOOD MAN!! a Hao Nan Ren leh.... :P

So wat are the keys to ur heart ??

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Join the adventures of Cuke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Cannoli, Ham Solo,
Chewbroccoli and the rest of the Organic Rebels fighting against Darth
Tader and the Dark Side of the Farm.

Trust me, it is REALLY GOOD AND FUNNY!!! and most importantly, it perfectly and accurately captured the full essence of the original 1977 movie .. (courtesy of Say Tian)

Anyway, the gang and i have watched Star Wars Episode III : Revenge of the Sith... and to be honest...

I was quite disappointed...

Well, ok, the graphics was fantastic, and the storyline went quite smoothly and logically... but somehow, this show dint have any real climax or the excitement to keep me watching... it was quite........... monotomous (did i spell correctly ?)

There was no real climax, the fighting scenes were normal at best, and there was nothing to shout about really....

It was just ....... another normal movie with good special effects....

Anyway, here are some of my fav and unforgettable movies :

1. Braveheart (FREEDOM!!!!!!!)
2. Forrest Gump (ahhh... life is like a box of chocolates...)
3. Saving Private Ryan (best of all the war movies i watched so far..)
4. The Ring ( The 1st horror movie that made me hallucinate.. :P)
5. Titanic ( who can forget the phrase : "U jump, I jump " )
6. Gladiator
7. The Godfather
8. The Lord of the Rings trilogy ( okok, i admit its kinda draggy.. but den.. its still good u know!)
9. Indiana Jones trilogy (great movies that i grew up watching..)
10. Silence of the Lambs
11. Jaws I ( the "godfather" of all the later shark movies..)
12. Cinema Paradiso
13. Stand By Me (one of Stephen King's best ever..)
14. Schindler's List

and many many more.....

Editor's Note : To me, a realli good movie would have unforgettable scenes, and it would touch a person emotionally...

Posted by Hello

Friday, May 20, 2005

Beach devotees and seasports fans have known about it for some time now: Sentosa boasts three of the finest beaches this side of Singapore.
With beachfronts 30 metres wide, dazzling landscaping features, clean waters and soft sands, Tanjong, Siloso and Palawan Beach have attracted a loyal following amongst water-lovers with diverse interests.

So..... WAT ARE U WAITING FOR ?!?! ALL THE BEACH LOVERS OUT THERE.. i am organizing a beach outing on the 28th May.. there will be hunks, babes, volleyball, beach soccer... and many many MORE!!! so hurry and let me know if u r interested!!! :P Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Wee Kim Wee was the former president of Singapore.. and he passed away on May 2nd this year, due to prostrate cancer. The following is an eulogy by his granddaughter, Ms Lim Hui Min... gosh, it was very well written and so touching....


Weekend May 7, 2005

MY grandfather's achievements as an editor, a diplomat and a head of state are now the stuff of legend. You would have read all these things in the newspapers or watched them on television - he was a public man. What I should talk about is my grandfather as a family man. I cannot talk about my grandfather without also talking about my grandmother. She was the rock of his life. His last thoughts were of her. They were holding hands when he finally went to sleep on Monday morning. Last year, we celebrated their 68th wedding anniversary. After dinner he presented her with a red packet full of money, which he then followed up with a jewellery box - because my grandmother loves wearing jewellery. There was a jade brooch inside the box. And, in return, in front of everybody, she kissed him three times. They were 87 and 88 at that time. Once, (when) I was learning the piano, I thought I would learn some songs to play at my grandmother's birthday party. I asked my grandfather what songs he thought she would like. To my surprise he gave me a type-written sheet (with songs listed) in order of preference. He was always a busy man - he used to tell me that he had two million things on his mind. But at some point in his life, he had sat down and thought hard about what music my grandmother would enjoy and typed it all out and kept it in special folder ready to be whipped out at anytime.

"Husbands who are here today: Do you have a list of your wife's top 10 favourite songs in a folder? That's a lesson you can take from my grandfather. "

They celebrated 69 years of marriage together in April this year. I thank my grandfather from the bottom of my heart for showing us what it really is like to love a person. I also thank my grandfather for showing us what it is to love life. He was a man who enjoyed life. He collected snuff bottles, coins and stamps. He travelled the world; he played sports; he planted fruit trees; he loved the smell and taste of hazelnut coffee. Whenever his grandchildren visited him in his office - whether at the Malaysian High Commission, the embassy in Tokyo, the Singapore Broadcast Corporation or the huge halls of the Istana - there would come moments when he would wink at us, open his desk drawer and say "have a chocolate". Unknown to my grandmother, who disapproved of his snacking in between meals, he always kept a secret stash of Hawaiian hazelnut chocolates, which he ate out of her sight during office hours. My grandfather loved animals as well. He liked to watch horses running. He liked dogs and cats and he liked fish. At the last count, his house contained 11 chickens, eight terrapins, two goldfish and one dog. Once, someone gave him six turkeys. I think the idea was for them to be fattened up and eaten. My grandfather looked at them and spoke to them. He gave them names. I remember my mother saying to me, "Oh no, he has given them names - we'll never get rid of them now". And so the turkeys were with us for quite some time. But one day, they started irritating the chickens so my grandfather decided to find them a new home. The Singapore Zoo was chosen. When the family heard about this, of course we all joked that the turkeys would be fed to the crocodiles. He was so alarmed by this that he made special arrangements with the zoo. They were to send him a written report every time a turkey died. The report had to state the cause of death and age of each turkey. That was the kind of man my grandfather was. He revered and respected life - even the life of an animal. The stories of his life are, to me, all stories of love.

"If you wish to honour his memory in your life, then live your life to the full, stand by your friends, cherish your family, listen to everyone with an open mind and welcome those who cross your path with an open heart."

He has gone on another journey now. We have spent the past five days saying goodbye to him and it is now the time to let him go. From all your grandchildren and great grandchildren: I know you love us all so very much. Goodbye gong gong (granddad). Goodbye.
Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Today met up with the usual gang, where KS and Daniel just came back from their Thailand trip... It lasted 4D/3N and they went to so many places, where they travelled by bus, train, ferry, and even cycled!! wow, and not to mention all the beautiful pics that they took... damn, they even managed to take pics and videos with 2 kawaii JAP GALS!!! (trying to act cute with the "V" sign huh ??) damn.. realli envy them... if oni i could have made the trip....  Posted by Hello

Friday, May 13, 2005

Hmm.. got a call from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs today. It was to arrange an interview for one position that i applied for, way back last year.. actualli its just for a position called "Corporate Support Officer" and the pay is not much.. but then..


All along i have maintained a keen interest in foreign affairs, and hopefully the job will be wat i hope it is... well, according to Shermaine ( the HR officer), if i get the job, i would be based in their communications centre, and she also asked whether i have any commitments in Spore, since there would be overseas postings involved, which is a minimum 3 years!! haha, yes yes YES!!! finally a job that sounds interesting ..... :P Anyway, this is not the main issue... most importantly, i need to know the career advancements for me, since i am not getting younger anymore..... haiz.... ( reaching my mid-twenties v soon... )

Just hope that if i do get the job, i wont be posted to the middle east or some rural village............... :P

Urban Legend of the Day : They say that if u dont sit properly in a bus, it may result in a horrendous BALAKU (blue-black) growing right next to your asshole... We found this ridiculously stupid... until it happened to me........ #$%#$@

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Finally.......... i gave her the gift..... the gift that i have been wanting to give to her since last yr....... in fact there has been a few occasions when i wanted to give it to her personally.. from her birthday to valentine's day to the last time that i met her...

but i dint........ until today.........

and i finally let her know how i felt towards her.......

How i knew her

I first knew her during my poly days, when we were both in the same marketing course @ NYP. During that 1yr, we hardly talk, and were nv close, although i do know that she was a realli nice and friendly gal. 1 year later i left poly ........... and we lost contact..

Until 5 years later.........

I saw her again... and since then, we started chatting, from ICQ to MSN to talking on the phone. We talked about alot of stuff and almost everything under the sun, and it was when my feelings towards her started to grow..........

She was like the perfect gal...

I still remember :

1. Every single topic that we talked about, and the things she did for her ex

2. The time she called me when her house had a blackout

3. The time she sms me to tell me about a shoe she realli liked @ Taka

4. The 1st time she called me just to chat..... and the other phone conversations that followed..

5. And i remember all the dates that i went out with her.. ( i still keep every single movie ticket that i watched with her..)

All this may seem very insignificant to other people.. but to me, it meant alot.....

Once, we arranged to watch a movie @ Fort Canning.. and it was when i decided i must let her know how i felt....... but suddenly, thoughts of rejection and other restrictions started running in my head.. and in the end.. i dint..

and it was another 6 months before we met again..

To be honest, i thought by then, the feelings had died down.. until i saw her MSN nick the other day... and i realised.. i acualli still liked her..

Like wat one friend said before: " If there are some things that u want to do or say, just go ahead... dun care about the consequences... dun look back and regret later for not doing so..."

So in the end i gave the gift, and i said what i always wanted to say to her ...

But i dint ask for a chance ..... cos i remember her saying that she is happy being single.......... and as long as she is happy right now, i will be glad...

Cos its her happiness that matters..... nothing else.......

Thursday, May 05, 2005

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - A senior al-Qaida leader, described by U.S. counterterrorism officials as the group's No. 3 man and a close confidant of Osama Bin Laden, has been arrested after a firefight in northwestern Pakistan, officials said Wednesday.

In Washington, President Bush said the capture of Abu Farraj al-Libbi "represents a critical victory in the war on terror," and he praised the Pakistani government and President Gen. Pervez Musharraf for the arrest.

"Al-Libbi was a top general for bin Laden," Bush said. "He was a major facilitator and a chief planner for the al-Qaida network. His arrest removes a dangerous enemy who is a direct threat to America and for those who love freedom."

Bush added, "We'll stay on the offensive until al-Qaida is defeated."

Now i cant wait for the day the World announces the capture of Al-Zarqawi.. followed by the capture of Al-Qaida's ringleader.. Osama Bin Laden..... only then can we look follow to better days for the rest of the World.. and that the victims can finally rest in peace.........

For the full story, go to
Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Smart man + smart woman = romance

Smart man + dumb woman = affair

Dumb man + smart woman = marriage

Dumb man + dumb woman = pregnancy


Smart boss + smart employee = profit

Smart boss + dumb employee = production

Dumb boss + smart employee = promotion

Dumb boss + dumb employee = overtime


A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs.

A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesn't need.


A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband.

A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.

A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend.

A successful woman is one who can find such a man.


To be happy with a man, you must understand him a lot and love him a little.

To be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all.


Married men live longer than single men do, but married men are a lot more willing to die.


A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't.

A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, and she does.


A woman has the last word in any argument.

Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.


Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next." They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.

Myth of the Day : There was once an Urban Legend that Hainanese men are very good-looking.. and i grew up believing in that myth.. until i learnt to look at the mirror........